Posted in Brixham, Caz Greenham Author

Winter Solstice ~ 21 December ~

What happens during the winter solstice? First day of winter and the shortest day is December 21

If you were thinking that the days have been exceptionally short recently, don’t be alarmed as the Winter Solstice has arrived. (Hooray – I hear you say).

The days have been getting shorter and shorter and the nights longer for the past six months, that is about to reverse.

This year, the solstice will happen (today) Thursday 21 December when we will experience a measly seven hours and 49 minutes of daylight, with the Sun due to rise at 8.30am and set at 3.53pm.

When is the shortest day of the year in the UK?

The shortest day of the year in the UK is on December 21 this year. Some years this shifts to December 22, as it did in 2019.

Happy Christmas to all my followers and readers

Love Cazzy x

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I live in picturesque Devon with my husband and adopted ShitzU Daisy-Mae. Living by the sea inspires me to write. My books are available on Amazon and most online bookshops. If you would like an author signed copy, I post to the U.K only. Postage rates will be added to the cost of the book(s). More about me here: