Posted in Brixham, Caz Greenham Author

Teapots. Kettles. Ancient China.

Put kettle on, Polly! (Note the importance of the English comma).

Just my cuppa tea!

Put kettle on, Polly! Pull up your chair, I have bought myself a little piece of ‘ancient china’ ~ cast iron kettle and a delightful teapot. Both can be used as a kettle, or a teapot. How-very-clever.


Cast iron teapots were originally created in ancient china. They were then adopted and developed by the Japanese in the 17th century into practical, as well as decorative handicraft items sold under the name of “Tetsubin”. The cast iron teapots and kettles symbolise the everlasting strength and unity of the world, and the more intricate pots are often given as gifts and kept as status symbols.


Traditional handmade Japanese cast iron kettles are normally bigger than the teapots, and are not enamelled on the inside. These units are made based on the old tradition of boiling water separately in a Tetsubin and pouring the water onto tea leaves in a separate teapot. These units are therefore made from cast iron and do NOT come with a strainer, as this is a later adaptation to western customs.


Through special treatments, impurities are removed from the cast iron during the production process. A coating of misty black enamel is then applied to help prevent the formation of rust. Due to their strength of construction these teapots may be used as kettles (to boil water) or as tea pots (to brew tea). Most sizes come with a stainless steel mesh infuser (to brew loose tea). If using the pot to boil water this infuser should be removed before doing so.

Wow. I’ve learnt something new today. Hope you have, too?

I’m a collector of teapots. Mostly bone-china. However, I’m thrilled with my recent cast iron purchases: a little extra knowledge goes a long way.

Tea time. Kettle’s boiling… atop my cast log burner. Life is cosy in my slice of paradise in Brixham Bay.

Enjoy the day, folks. Stay safe.

Caz x

My kindle books, set in picturesque Brixham Bay – can be downloaded here


I live in picturesque Devon with my husband and adopted ShitzU Daisy-Mae. Living by the sea inspires me to write. My books are available on Amazon and most online bookshops. If you would like an author signed copy, I post to the U.K only. Postage rates will be added to the cost of the book(s). More about me here: